Thursday, May 16, 2013

Adverts and Facebook. WHY?

Okay so firstly you get these adverts that come in the form of games, like that one where you have to squish the cockroach to stand a chance to win an iphone. So when you try to play the game it redirects you to another page, and you just sit there like, CAN I PLAY THE DAMN GAME PLEASE? That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that these little buggers pop up everywhere and you have to have the restraint to not play the game otherwise you will be taken to some random page. It's a good way of advertising, but it is uber annoying. Secondly, there are these weird dating service adverts that pop up on facebook, like no, I'm sixteen, I'm not looking for "sexy singles between the ages of 40 and 340". Usually in those adverts the people are half naked. Half naked 40 and up year olds. No thanks. Rather gimmie a picture of Ryan Gosling then I might check your page. Just stop with the half naked oldish people. Please.

Oh yes you may.....

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